Winslow Township School 3
Winslow Township School #3
Sample Action Plan
Sample Action Plan Items from the Intervention and Referral Service

These are examples of real situations faced by teachers and students in our district. The suggested modifications/accommodations/ interventions accompany each scenario. These are representative of recommendations made by I&RS Teams throughout the district. Specific modifications are agreed upon by the team, which includes the child’s teacher. Progress is monitored and further recommendations may be offered at subsequent meetings.

I. Student does not stay on-task/engaged in seat work
  1. Modify written assignments (e.g., fold paper to mask portion of work).
  2. Assign a “work buddy” (either from within your classroom or from another class).
  3. Give student an egg timer or small hourglass to help him/her manage time wisely.
  4. Give student a “cool” pencil/writing utensil.
  5. Provide a model of what completed work product should look like.
  6. Obtain eye contact. State expectations in clear, simple phrases. Ask student to “echo” stated expectations.
  7. Provide auditory cues to help pace student’s work (e.g., bell, “Countdown” the minutes).

II. Student does not stay seated during classroom activities
  1. If student’s feet don’t reach the floor, consider a smaller chair or a footrest (i.e., from a shoe box or telephone book).
  2. Incorporate movement opportunities into student’s day (e.g., errands, bathroom breaks, transitions with movement).
  3. Discuss adaptive seating options with an Occupational Therapist (e.g., bumpy cushion).
  4. Identify a peer model for the student to imitate.
  5. Reward system for appropriate behavior.
  6. Assign the student responsibilities that allow for some freedom of movement (e.g., sharpen pencils, pass out materials, put away materials).

III. Student does not transition smoothly from unstructured time (e.g., play time, projects) to more structured academic activities.
  1. Provide the student with a visual schedule which identifies the day’s activities, the location of those activities (if they involve another place in the school), and the times at which they occur.
  2. Provide advance warning for transitions with a traffic light poster. Green means “We’re playing.” Yellow means “We’re cleaning up”. Red means “Freeze. We’re stopping and listening”. Obtain eye contact, then give direction for transition.
  3. Use a predetermined signal to prepare students for transition times (e.g. Visual learner: turn lights on and off, use hand signal; Auditory learner: use alarm/bell).
  4. Let the student have the privilege of giving the signal for transition time.
  5. Reinforce the student for having a smooth transition.

IV. Students do not work cooperatively in a group
  1. Positively reinforce students who are cooperating and helping one another.
  2. Modify the size of the group. Assign an uncooperative student to a smaller group.
  3. Allow an uncooperative student to choose which members will be part of his/her group.
  4. Anticipate potential personality conflicts. Keep them in separate groups when possible.
  5. Make sure that all group members have ample materials.

V. Student does not follow verbal directions
  1. Make sure student in attentive: Obtain eye contact. Have whole class put their hands up in the air so they can’t be writing/working while directions are being given.
  2. Supplement verbal directions with visual cues.
  3. Give directions in simple language and deliver them one step at a time.
  4. Check for understanding– have student repeat directions back to you.
  5. Assign a peer buddy whom student can observe/check with when he/she is unsure of what to do.